
Mission Statement

We believe that early childhood should be a time of fun, security, exploration, and discovery

Our goal is to help develop the whole child by providing a hands on curriculum that will foster academic readiness while also strengthening their creative abilities; with highly qualified teachers for each area of study. Through an arts enriched program we will integrate ACADEMIC skills in science, math, phonics, and language arts. MUSIC to aid brain development, DRAMA activities to enrich confidence and communication, DANCE training to boost large motor skills, and VISUAL ARTS projects to encourage and nurture creativity and fine motor skill development. Themes will be woven into each area of the schedule and activities will be coordinated between all teachers. For example, if the theme for the week is transportation then cars, planes, bicycles, and trains will be discovered in each area of study (art, drama, music, etc) while also discussing words, shapes, colors, letters and numbers that pertain to that theme. Through the arts curriculum children have so much fun learning, even when they don’t know they are learning!

Three Year Old Program:

Children turning 3 years of age by September 1st are eligible for the Performing Arts Preschool 2-day program. Designed as an introduction to the classroom, the 2-day program features an academic curriculum taught through Group Learning, Science, Creative Movement, Art, Music, and Drama. We work on developing vocabulary, sorting objects by shape and color, counting, writing and recognizing his/her name, sharing, fine motor control, etc. Fall and Spring sessions end with a group performance. 

Maximum class size is 15. One lead teacher and one or two assistants will be in each area of study/classroom.

Four Year Old Program:

Children turning 4 years of age by September 1st are eligible for the Performing Arts Preschool 3-day program. This program features an ongoing academic curriculum taught through Group Learning, Math, Science, Creative Movement, Art, Music, Drama and Community (field trips and visiting guests). We work on developing counting and simple math, speaking clearly, writing his/her name, writing all letters in the alphabet, sharing and taking turns, expressing emotions in a healthy manner, and large and fine motor skills. Fall and Spring sessions end with a group performance. 

Maximum class size is 16. One lead teacher and one or two assistants will be in each area of study/classroom.


~Age Eligibility: Student must be the required age on or before August 31, 2024 to participate. 

~To qualify, students must be a fully independent potty user and up to date on the immunizations.

~Dress Code: Any clothes the student can move freely in and get a little messy! We will not require any kind of dance shoes. The children need to be in socks or bare feet for some activities.

~Snacks: You will be responsible to send a healthy snack with your child daily.

~Students perform twice a year, once in December and once in June (specific dates TBA).

~You are welcome to observe your child through our observing windows at any time but please wait until the end of class to speak with a teacher.

~See the Preschool Registration Agreement for fees, tuition, holidays, etc.

Meet Our Teachers

Kari Vedvick-Head Teacher

Julie Orcutt-C0head Teacher

Whitney Welch-Assistant Teacher

Melody Cabrera-Assistant Teacher